What’s Available to You


Couples Therapy.

Recreate the happiness and connection you shared in the beginning. 

 In any relationship, we can fall into patterns. Our interactions become a broken record that digs us further down into a pit of despair. We can see it happening, but we don’t have the tools to make it stop.  As an attachment therapist, I understand that when these cycles begin to spiral out of control, we switch into fight or flight mode and the brain no longer functions as it should. These arguments feel threatening; they lead to desperation and hopelessness. I can help you find the way out. 

For those who are hesitant about attending couples therapy, it’s not what you think. I want people to understand that, in a relationship, no one is to blame; that is, each interaction begets the next, and there are scientific explanations for why we behave the way we do sometimes. I want people to know that codependency is not a naughty word, but a natural tendency we have when we’re partnered.  Couple therapy is not about shaming or criticizing one partner or the other; it’s not even about figuring out who is the “damaged” one. Therapy is a venue to explore thoughts, feelings, and reasons behind our actions. It’s about genuine curiosity and empathy. 

Before you make any rash decisions about your relationship, reach out to me.


Family Therapy.

A healthy parental relationship is the foundation for a thriving family dynamic. When a couple feels connected as partners they have a more manageable path to feeling united as parents. I work with parents to help them identify cycles in their own relationship that may be contributing to the dysfunction in the family dynamic, and begin to reverse course. 

Additionally, understanding one's values as a parent is paramount to creating a family philosophy. What is the most important thing you want your children to carry into adulthood? Perhaps it is being kind to others, having a strong work ethic, being honest or living one’s best life. How are you modeling that philosophy and finding ways to bring your family members into it as well? Once parents understand where they want to focus their energy, other things become less heavy and stressful. 

Before you stick your unwilling kid in therapy, consider working first as a parental unit, then as a family. Healthy communication is the bedrock of fulfilling relationships. Contact me and let’s discuss your options.


Individual Therapy.

Do you find yourself pondering your purpose in life, or feel lost in the everyday grind? You are not alone. This is something that many people are struggling with. I can help you get clear on what’s important in your life, and live it. When you live with your values at the forefront, it’s easier to navigate stress, anxiety, and depression. What do you need more of in life? What no longer serves you? As a relationship therapist, I help clients explore interpersonal relationships as well as intrapersonal. What things are you telling yourself? How are you being compassionate with yourself? When are you taking care of yourself? 

I believe in the healing power of nature, and appreciate the opportunity to be with my clients outdoors, if they prefer. I take a holistic approach, exploring relationships, work dynamics, and physical health as well as emotional well-being. 

Put yourself first, right now. Your well-being is important and you deserve peace and happiness. Reach out, let me be your guide.